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Nature-based Solutions and Restoration

Drone high-angle photo of turquoise-colored mountain river flowing in the pine woodland with a view of the mountain peaks

In partnership with our clients, Tetra Tech develops cost-effective restoration and nature-based solutions, addressing risks and impacts from climate change and biodiversity loss, no matter how complex.

Our interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers conduct assessments and surveys to characterize historic and current terrestrial and aquatic conditions, develop approaches to restore degraded conditions, mitigate against future losses, preserve intact ecosystem functions, and provide real-time data management and expertise at all points of implementing restoration and nature-based solutions.

Our teams work across the globe to create customized, sustainable, and scalable solutions to restore degraded conditions through nature-based approaches. We focus on delivering solutions that address the biggest resource needs and risks, provide other ecosystem benefits, and are economically feasible. We work across all habitat types from montane, riverine, and grasslands to urban, coastal, and offshore environments. We bring the right solutions to the challenge at hand—whether designing restoration plans for local communities or developing comprehensive watershed action plans for national governments.

A Tetra Tech employee standing at Ponta Negra Beach holding equipment

Coastal Resilience

As communities adapt and respond to more frequent and extreme flooding and sea level rise, there is an increased need for nature-based solutions to increase green space, protect infrastructure, and provide ecosystem enhancements. Our teams weave natural features and processes in an engineered capacity to create customized and sustainable solutions for coastal resilience.

  • Living breakwaters
  • Resilient waterfront parks
  • Living shorelines
  • Storm surge barriers
  • Shoreline stabilization
  • Coastal and marine habitat restoration for flood risk reduction
  • Adaptation planning and design
  • Coastal resilient infrastructure design
Watershed and stream restoration project completed for lower 11 miles of the Meacham Creek watershed

Watershed Restoration

At Tetra Tech, we’re all about collaboration and teamwork. We work with our clients to conduct watershed and stream assessments that dive deep into understanding the unique conditions of each environment.

Armed with scientific and engineering expertise, we develop tailored solutions to restore degraded areas and bring back natural beauty. Our approach is to harness the power of ecologic, hydrologic, and geomorphic processes to create sustainable and long-lasting transformations. Together with our clients, we embark on a journey to revitalize ecosystems, making the world a greener and healthier place for generations to come.

  • Water resources management
  • Hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic modeling
  • Climate change evaluations
  • Watershed assessments
  • Desired conditions identification
  • Prioritization and action plans
  • Ecological restoration
In-stream habitat and wetland restoration project for a restoration site in Northeast Oregon

In-Stream Habitat and Wetland Restoration

Our team of aquatic and terrestrial habitat scientists works in tandem with our restoration engineers to help our clients restore degraded habitats and design solutions focused on long-term resiliency.

  • Aquatic and terrestrial assessment and modeling
  • Wetland delineations and functional assessments
  • Limiting factors analyses
  • Ecological uplift determination
  • Ecosystem restoration planning and design
  • In-stream enhancement modeling and design
  • Habitat construction management
Aerial view of Amazon rainforest

Nature-based Solutions Implementation

Clients are increasingly aware of how restoration and nature-based solutions can help them address nature- and climate-related risks. Accordingly, Tetra Tech has leveraged decades of sustainability experience to meet newer market initiatives and help clients meet their environmental, social, and governance goals at the project and program levels.

  • Natural capital and natural infrastructure inventories
  • Ecosystem services
  • Co-benefits needs and opportunity assessments
  • Nature and climate risk and reporting frameworks
  • Innovative financing and partnerships
  • Biodiversity and carbon baselining and performance reporting
Landscape view of wind farm overlayed with graphs and technical symbols related to markets

Mitigation and Market-based Solutions

Tetra Tech professionals support our clients across a host of mitigation needs and requirements, developing solutions that offer protection against the ever-changing shifts in the environment. We also evaluate and support implementation of market-based initiatives to maximize the value that nature-based and restoration solutions can provide.

  • Environmental offsets and biodiversity stewardship
  • Wetland mitigation banking
  • Habitat restoration banking
  • Nature-based carbon sequestration and offsets
  • Water quality and pollution reduction credits
  • Airshed emissions credits
  • Energy credits
  • Cost-benefit analysis

Connect with us. Reach out to our environmental solutions experts.

Our featured nature-based solutions and restoration highlights

Marshland with islands and pine trees at sunset

Nature-based Solutions: Innovative Approaches to Increase Impact and Reduce Risk

Oyster shells and macroalgae (such as kelp) serve as restoration solutions to promote ocean health

Nature-based Solutions for Offshore Wind: A Proactive Approach to Sustainability

Headshot of Ernesto L. Diaz

Ernesto L. Diaz Discusses Using Ecological and Nature-based Engineering for Coastal Risk Reduction and Sea Level Rise Adaptation

Headshot of James Costello

James Costello Discusses Designing Marine Structures to Create More Resilient Communities

Headshot of Erin Hague

Erin Hague Discusses Designing Solutions for Coastal and Ecosystem Protection, Restoration, and Resilience

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